The article titled “Revisiting the Meaning of Leadership” by Joel Podolny is an important contribution to the study of leadership in organizational behaviour. The article challenges the traditional view of leadership that emphasizes individual characteristics and behaviours and instead presents a more nuanced understanding of leadership that emphasizes the social and cultural context in which it occurs.

One of the key arguments made by Podolny is that leadership is not simply a matter of individual qualities such as charisma or intelligence, but rather a collective process that involves the relationships and interactions between leaders and followers. This view of leadership emphasizes the importance of communication, collaboration, and shared values in effective leadership.

Another important aspect of Podolny’s argument is his emphasis on the cultural and social context in which leadership occurs. He suggests that effective leaders must be aware of and responsive to the cultural norms, values, and beliefs of their followers and the broader organizational context to be successful. This is an important reminder that leadership is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but rather something that must be adapted to the specific cultural and social context in which it occurs.

The article offers several case studies to illustrate the importance of understanding the social and cultural context of leadership. One such case study involves the turnaround of the British grocery store chain, Tesco, which was accomplished through a combination of strategic innovation, customer focus, and employee engagement. By emphasizing the importance of cultural factors such as national identity and local community values, Tesco was able to create a unique brand identity that resonated with its customers and employees.

Overall, Podolny’s article offers a valuable perspective on the nature of leadership that challenges traditional assumptions and offers practical insights for scholars and practitioners in the field. By emphasizing the importance of communication, collaboration, and cultural awareness, the article provides a useful framework for effective leadership in a rapidly changing and increasingly diverse organizational environment.


"Revisiting the Meaning of Leadership" is an article by Joel Podolny that challenges the traditional view of leadership as being centred around individual characteristics. The article emphasizes the social and cultural context of leadership and argues that effective leadership is a collective process involving relationships between leaders and followers. The author provides case studies to illustrate his points and offers practical insights for scholars and practitioners in organizational behaviour.

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